Advance Practice Respiratory Therapist Legislation Introduced in Ohio

Ohio Statehouse

Update on Advanced Practice Respiratory Therapist (APRT) Licensing

On behalf of the OSRC Legislative Committee

Since 2019, the OSRC Legislative Committee and OSRC Lobbyist David Corey have been working diligently toward establishing licensure for the Advanced Practice Respiratory Therapist in Ohio. 

Following three interested party meetings in 2020, feedback from stakeholders was used to edit the proposed licensure language to all an introduced bill to move forward without significant opposition.  After drafting by the Legislative Services Commission, Representative Tom Young and Representative Marilyn John introduced House Bill 714 on August 31, 2022.  Unfortunately, HB 714 was not scheduled for committee hearings in 2022, and the legislative session ended on December 31, 2022.  The 135th General Assembly began in January 2023, and both Representative Young and Representative John committed to reintroducing the APRT licensing bill. 

On March 14, 2023, HB 102 “License Advanced Practice Respiratory Therapists” was introduced, and on March 22, 2023 it was assigned to the House Health Provider Services Committee ( []).