OSRC Student Scholarships

Scholarship Nominees and Winners

Asha Abdallah – Ohio State University Nominated by: Georgianna Sergakis

Kate Asher – Columbus State Community College Nominated by: Andrea Pifher

Kristi Haynes – Cuyahoga Community College Nominated by: John Gallagher

Hannah Henson – Shawnee State University Nominated by: Amy France

Keandra Jackson – Cuyahoga Community College Nominated by: John Gallagher

Trinity Kawula – Kent State University  Nominated by: Amy Rodenhausen

Mark Rovah – Columbus State Community College Nominated by: Andrea Pifher

Audrey Smith – Youngstown State University Nominated by: Kelly Colwell

Vivian Yu – Ohio State University Nominated by: Georgianna Sergakis

Winner of the $1000 Mary Edith Miller-Orlett Scholarship:

Vivian Yu – Ohio State University Nominated by: Georgianna Sergakis

Winner of the $1000 Charles T. Robinson Scholarship:

Audrey Smith – Youngstown State University Nominated by: Kelly Colwell

Winner of the $500 Robert Fischer Scholarship:

Kate Asher – Columbus State Community College Nominated by: Andrea Pifher


Request for Nominations – Deadline November 1, 2024

The OSRC will award up to three student scholarships, to Ohio residents, who are AARC members and maintain an average of 6 credit hours, in an Ohio CoARC accredited/provisional Respiratory Care Program.

The awards also include a certificate of recognition and an OSRC website post. A student can only win one of the scholarships listed below. Schools can nominate multiple students. The OSRC reserves the right to limit/withhold the scholarship awards at any time.

The $1000 Charles Robinson Memorial Scholarship is named after the owner of C-P Medical, a loyal OSRC supporter for over 28 years who passed away in 2004.

The $1000 Mary Edith Miller – Orlett Memorial Scholarship is named for the Mother of Ed Orlett. Ed was the Executive Director of the OSRC for over 25 years, who passed away in 2019. The recipient of this scholarship will be an individual from a disadvantaged group defined as groups who have historically experienced insufficient opportunities, which qualifies them for protection under equal employment laws (there must be a minimum of 2 nominees for this award).

The $500 Robert Fischer Memorial Scholarship is named after Bob Fischer a Respiratory Therapist, for 38 years, who passed away in 2011. Bob proposed the idea of an OSRC Student Scholarship Foundation and was the first Foundation Coordinator.

Photos of the memorialized individuals are included in this PDF document, OSRC Scholarships.

Descriptions of these scholarships are included in the PDF document, OSRC Scholarships.

  1. Nominations must come in the form of a letter from the Respiratory Program Director. The letter and additional information must include: general information about the student (Note the Director could provide information on the students professional/volunteer activity however, the student should be told to include this information in their resume or essay); official student transcript that shows the total GPA or the Program Director’s unofficial student information transcript data that shows the total GPA; the students Respiratory GPA; proof of AARC membership.
  2. The nominee must be an Ohio resident.
  3. The nominee must be a current full-time student with at least one semester of respiratory course work completed – 2-year grads enrolled in a Respiratory BSRT/BAHS/ MSRC program can apply (must provide letter of acceptance).
  4. The nominee must prepare and submit, through the Program Director, an original essay to include: why Respiratory Care was chosen; knowledge of the field; their future career goals; how this award will assist them in meeting their goals; leadership and volunteer activities; justification as disadvantaged, if applicable.
  5. The nominee must submit a resume, through the Program Director, including name, address, phone number, email and work history (Note that volunteer activities can be included in the essay or with the resume).
  6. For the Mary Edith Miller – Orlett Memorial Scholarship, the nominee must demonstrate, in their essay, how they qualify as a member of a disadvantaged group (defined by the EEOC). Nothing prevents any nominee from being selected for any one of the scholarships.

NOTE: U.S. Citizenship is the preferred requirement for all OSRC Scholarships. Any requests to vary from the citizenship requirement, must be approved by the OSRC Scholarship Committee and by the OSRC Executive Committee.

Nominees will be judged/scored on the Evaluation Sheet provided to all Program Directors. The voting members of the OSRC Scholarship Committee (employees of any Respiratory Therapy Program are prohibited from voting) will complete an OSRC Evaluation Sheet for each nominee. The nominee with the highest combined total score from all the voting members will be awarded the Robinson Scholarship.

The next highest scores will receive the Fischer or the Miller-Orlett Scholarship. The committee reserves the right to break any ties with a majority vote. A voting committee member cannot vote for a relative.

All items must be received by midnight Friday, November 1, 2024  All nominee information must be sent electronically (*see Official Transcripts below) and emails must come from the Program Director’s email. Separate emails must be sent for each candidate.

Scholarship awards will be presented at the OSRC Board of Directors meeting on December 7, 2024

Send all items to: Mark Kemerer, mkemerer2@gmail.com

*Official Transcripts can be accepted by regular mail based on school policy and sent to
5171 Autumn Fern Dr.
Dublin, Ohio 43016